Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eureka!!!! Eureka!!!

I found out all my e-books were deleted and I don’t have a backup and I’m pissed! I haven’t read most of them. I don’t know when it was deleted because it wasn’t even in the recycle bin anymore. Worst… I can’t download it again because the site where I download it from is not anymore accessible. I was so glad when I get to that site. All the e-books are new and most of the authors are my favorite and the catch, e-books are free to download. They even recommend authors and e-books that they thought belongs to a must read sections.

I found out that finding the middle ground has its limitation too. I had enough. I always thought that I’m not a good friend. I couldn’t let myself talked to one of my so-called friend because I’m tired of compromising. I’m asking a lot if I’m the kind of friend I want as a friend. This time I already have an answer. Yes, I am the kind of friend I want as a friend. I don’t ever have to compromise because I know we’ll both be standing in the common ground… we both understand that living with friend means give and take… you have to work your butt out just to make it work… and it takes two to tango… and never be selfish… always think of your friend before you think of yourself and it should always work both ways. But since we have differences, it’s so true that it’s better to visit a friend than to live with them. 

I found out that giving a little something to your family is truly a big deal. They are the easiest people to please. We always thought that they are expecting big from us but in reality it’s the thought that counts. It doesn’t matter if you give them a little less as long as you don’t give them something that can break their heart it could mean a lot. You’ll be surprise to know when it bounces back it bestows you contentment… happiness… pleasure… feelings that you’ve been trying to figure out all your life and for just one time you give something to your family… you’re on the top of the world. Most people think that they have great responsibility towards their family and yes we all do, but I think when you look at them as a responsibility later on you’ll see them as a burden. But when you do things for them out of love, you’ll never get tired of it. You give them happiness trice as much as you give it to yourself. 

I found out that I can be more sympathetic. I can let awful things slipped out. I can mend and bend whichever situation I’m in. It felt good to sometimes left things the way they were and not to push it. Besides, you’ll never know where it’s heading. Maybe you’re lucky it went well and maybe, it could be better luck next time. 

I found out that I should be gratified. There’s a lot to be thankful for.


  1. sad to hear about ur ebooks. i knw a few free ebook sites, i wil mail u the links.
    congrats tat u hav discovered the new insights of urself.. keep it up!! and remember to smile always..nice blog!

  2. hey ya nice blog...
    n really very sad 2 hear dat u lost all ur ebooks...:(
    nice 2 see d other part of u dat u r learnin 2 look at life in a new n different perspective.

    Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play, and to look up at the stars.


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