Monday, September 6, 2010

Rinks - My best friend's wife...

This is my second post in one day. The post below this is my normal post. I am writing this new post because I just noticed the comment in the post before the one before this one. It was My writing tutor giving me the assignment to describe someone I know. I decided to describe my Friends wife Rinks. Here it goes........

Rinks alwayz been so moody......
I wish we hadn’t drift so far away since we new each other. I always looked up to you because you are naturally beautiful, intelligent, caring, and kind. Thanx to Saad cuz of him, she came across my world and I am writing for her, she is the one who knows me longer than others.i wish she  will get far bestest things in life whatever she wished for and have smart, beautiful children just like her. I hope she don’t forget me because from the moment we met till now, she had been always that big part of my memory. What I love about our relationship is that we never feel awkward of seeing each other as if we’ve been seeing each other everyday regularly. No matter what she confess to me about her insecurities, she always going to be that lovely figure I look up to. I don’t know if she knows how much she means to me and how important she was to me, and continues to be now.
Promise me Rinks (if you are reading) to be happy and to keep in touch with me throughout my life. I look up to her as a sister, someone who has endured heartache and come out stronger, and as a true friend. I know in any crisis, she would be first in line to be there for me. One more thing, She’s got the most compassionate heart, a gorgeous smile and the sense of humor to laugh harder at her own jokes than anyone else in the room.She had good and sensible attitude and dressing sense,which lacks in every women.I love talking with her about life because she gives me the kind of feeling that everything will be alright if I just believe, take the card of chances of life that plays me, and if I have fallen I become stronger as I stand where I fell. I love you so much and I miss you with tears to my eyes.

Some deadly memorable affairs with her:

Train Journey: it was our first journey and simultaneously, the life journey of friendship begins with her,at that time we were day old friend, we just lost into each other in very short time.We played truth n Dare,actuly we had fun.she patiently served dinner to me and it was so nice of her treating me so well.I didn’t wanted to sleep entire night coz I was not willing to put off the conversation I was enjoying.

"First time I felt that journey is too short when you are with a people like her".

.Shopping : She wanted to go for shopping a day before Kamrans receptions,Thanx again to Saad cuz he was too lazy,fortunately I grabbed the opportunity to go and I wanted to spend some more times to be more close with her. I comforted her and All together she bought 3 pairs of sandals and one purse and after two hour of shopping and bargaining on each, she become much more optimistic which makes me feel much content.She thinks highly of it and so do I..

"Going shopping with a girl can be a trial for any guy - and it appears it is no different even if you admire her. ”

Movie,Masti and Popcorn: how can I forget the day I have been for a movie “Love Aajkal “ with her.Really Rinks movie maynot be so enjoyable if you were not with us.I cherished every single moment with you and all girls around us.

Last n hope not least;

Evening Tea n Hookah : She is very good in making tea and repulsive if you ask for more.

She’s been on my mind alot recently. We go through flurries of communication, and then quiet times. Right now, it’s a quiet time. I’m rattled with trying to get work done, and she’s well, also trying to get work done, so to speak.So, I battle to do anything more than send a two-liner “love you” or random Facebook comment. She and I have bad day synergy sometimes..
The truth is,Rinks and I have always been close. We’ve warred like you won’t believe. She get annoyed with me and we are absolutely, hilariously, very similarly. Fighting with her is like fighting with myself. Only, it’s worse because I can’t tell myself to shut up and leave me alone. Heh. We’re so the same we like the same tea. The bad thing about her is she always try to steal my ciggy that putts me off .
But, as I’m older, we are. I treasure that. I never get to tell her that, i really miss her. And because we live countries apart, it’s sometimes hard to make that translate into actual, meaningful communication.. Maybe it was the technology just behaving because we both knew we needed each other right then.
Before, when she’s with us, she’s part of the crazy people I call friends. She fits in with them, and has even been adopted by my Bestest friend Kamran, who counts her as a sister too. I like that.
I carry your heart in my heart.
Thanx again to Saad for not suing this devil for writing so long about his beloved wife and being with me to make my life beautiful.
Accidently Saad happens to be a lovable husband to her,i wish they keep on moving on the wheels of their life loving and fighting each other.

“I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do...I'm sorry I can't help myself, I'm in love with you.”

Music mania....

Almost everyone on earth listens to music once in their life time. Usually at least one of the songs get stuck in their head. What makes music sound so good?

Music is actually just a bunch of sounds put together in a way that sounds rhythmically correct and / or sounds pleasing to the ear. But a person talking in rhythm to his footsteps doesn't get stuck in one's head, so what makes music so special?

I think that music is so special because of it has a continuously changing tone, there are notes that coordinate with each other, there are usually lyrics that can relate to people and their personal life all over the world, and there is a continuous background rhythm. Continuously changing tone really makes music sound good. When someone talks, it is very monotone and it doesn't really have a sound to it. Music, on the other hand, has a tone that continuously changes, which makes it sound more pleasing to the ear than blah blah blah. Also, in music, notes usually coordinate with each other well. When writing music, people think for a while about what note to use next instead of simply throwing out a random note at a completely random time. This way, the music sounds cleaner with less imperfections than a person talking. Another reason music probably sounds good to a human ear is because of the lyrics. The lyrics go in rhythm to the song, which allows more flow, and the lyrics usually talk about overcoming something that average people all over the world have to overcome. People like to be understood, and if something as important as a song that everyone listens to tells about the people's daily life, then the people feel understood. A background rhythm is what music listeners snap their fingers to. It makes people want to jump along and it makes the ground vibrate. It is one more thing to remember the music by.

Music is a wonderful part of our culture today. It is so special because of its continuously changing tone, its notes that coordinate with each other, its lyrics, and its background rhythm

Friday, September 3, 2010

New machine.....Yuppie

For those of you who have been followin along, you know that back when I was working on first chapter (on the very first version of it), I had my Desktop of 11 years....its not with me anymore.

It was a sad day when i left that in home town. Let’s be serious, it was an old Pentium 3, an underpowered, old machine. It was good enough for Word and movie though, and that was, at the time, all I needed.
But then,I was missing like hell to it and have got nothing to get attached with you,my life was blank. last Friday, my bro spoke the magic words, “Go get yourself a new laptop.”

Since I’m short on money, I spent a lot of time doing research to find a laptop suiting my needs, with a reasonable price. After getting advice from all my friend I decided to buy.Sony claims it can last 16 hours lets see how long. Considering I’m only using the laptop to surf the web,Cadd, occasionally listen to music and use of Microsoft Word, the slower response time doesn’t bother me and I can easily spend 2 days without recharging the battery.

So now, I have a brand new (not really, it’s a refurb) Sony Vaio notebook white in color.

Ah, the miracles of modern technology.

Intel Core i3 @ 2.27 GHz (3.00 GHz Turbo Mode)
4 GB DDR3 memory
14” wide
NVIDIA - 512 MB dedicated graphics memory

So, new laptop, new chapter, and vice versa. It will be fun on this weekend. Now if I could just get work down to less than 60 hours a week…

Think eXist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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