Monday, September 6, 2010

Music mania....

Almost everyone on earth listens to music once in their life time. Usually at least one of the songs get stuck in their head. What makes music sound so good?

Music is actually just a bunch of sounds put together in a way that sounds rhythmically correct and / or sounds pleasing to the ear. But a person talking in rhythm to his footsteps doesn't get stuck in one's head, so what makes music so special?

I think that music is so special because of it has a continuously changing tone, there are notes that coordinate with each other, there are usually lyrics that can relate to people and their personal life all over the world, and there is a continuous background rhythm. Continuously changing tone really makes music sound good. When someone talks, it is very monotone and it doesn't really have a sound to it. Music, on the other hand, has a tone that continuously changes, which makes it sound more pleasing to the ear than blah blah blah. Also, in music, notes usually coordinate with each other well. When writing music, people think for a while about what note to use next instead of simply throwing out a random note at a completely random time. This way, the music sounds cleaner with less imperfections than a person talking. Another reason music probably sounds good to a human ear is because of the lyrics. The lyrics go in rhythm to the song, which allows more flow, and the lyrics usually talk about overcoming something that average people all over the world have to overcome. People like to be understood, and if something as important as a song that everyone listens to tells about the people's daily life, then the people feel understood. A background rhythm is what music listeners snap their fingers to. It makes people want to jump along and it makes the ground vibrate. It is one more thing to remember the music by.

Music is a wonderful part of our culture today. It is so special because of its continuously changing tone, its notes that coordinate with each other, its lyrics, and its background rhythm


  1. music fo me: sometimes an inspiration, smtimes entertainment..

  2. life is a song.. ups n downs create rhythm. lyrics are ta emotions..


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